Monday, August 18, 2008

A Sad Story Of A Sad Man

SUNDAY, 17 AUGUST 2008-->

Last night I saw the saddest man I ever met,shame is he has no idea he should cry..It might help...As anyone knows who has worked as a cashier anywhere, you see your coworkers as customers. The fellow cashiers I know, and I know a few others, others I only know by the fact they have the uniform shirt on.One guy I know by sight is this guy, maybe 30's or so, always comes up with reduced produce, never talks and and always looks mad and storms off without a word. You would think that he had the whole world as his enemy. You would think he was stuck in a dead end job that he hated but he had no future and was mad at the world because it made him suffer.I know some will tell me after reading this that he does suffer, but then again you ask for things sometimes and you get them.Last night he came at a time when there were no others around, and the night manager was at the post behind me so I had a chance to ask what was this guys deal. The scowl was there. Not a word. the bag it himself before I can even make a move after scanning it....the storming off like a mad was all there!So why is he so mad? What is up his craw? His response at first floored me:"Be glad he does not talk to you as that means you are not on his hit list."GULPHit list?As in guns?NoSeems this guy is into getting people fired that cross him. He will see they bought something and put it to the side. The person will not put the receipt in her/his poscket but in the bag. This guy then takes the receipt and accuses you of stealing and you get fired.I wondered why my trainer said to keep me stuff on me after I buy it !Anyway...he also has a habit of looking for anti-Jewish comments everywhere. Like if I had pointed out what a bargin the produce was that he buys, and mentioned he always bought it.He does always buy it.And the sun rose in the east this morning.It is a good buy.And the guy I am talking about happens to be male.Facts are facts.There is no value judgement made in any of the statements I just made. But he would see it as me saying he was cheap and we would be off to the races I guess....At last count he has had 20 people fired.It seems to be his hobby!I said that maybe he might meet his match in me! I mean I do not NEED this job to survive although it helps alot with things. And minimum wage jobs are not that hard, and with 2 new giant shopping centers opening up in the area I am sure I could replace this job with a little effort. Maybe I throw on the ole armor and let the jerk fight the whiteknight. Freedom is just another word for nothing to lose, to paraphrase the ole song. Might be fun.The hero in my was shining out as I thought of all this.Level this creep once and for all!Maybe this guy needs a new hobby like welfare I thought!Well that is sad enough that he has this as a hobby, but then it got sadder.And maybe Superman is meeting Superman in this fight and the other guy has green bullets in a way. At least he is as bullet proof! So maybe I will save my battle for a foe I can crush and make it hurt more.Or maybe one that is not as pitiful a foe.Seems this guy is a multi-millionaire.He was left land in Manhattan and Brooklyn worth millions and has an income of 6 figures monthly coming in from apartments he owns that were willed to him by parents.And he does this job?If he makes twice what I do that is not alot!Go start a buisness, tour the world, sit by the pool with a beautiful woman and sip cocktails, do something fun.....!!!!!I am told that when people have said this to him, before he gets them fired, he states that his fun is working there and tormenting people.I was told at least one person he did this to was a struggling single mother that management quietly got another job at a rival supermarket. And I was also told he found this out, went there, tried to start trouble so she would be fired there!!! They threw him out of the store.I once met a man with no feet and having no shoes seems not that bad.

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