Monday, August 18, 2008

A Ripple In The Pond Of Silence

On a starless still night, by the water's edge,
I await the fulfillment of your promise.
From the glassy surface of this "Pond of Silence"
the watchful eye of my reflection scrutinizes me.
Your words, hidden in a secret place.
Your game of hide and seek, while intriguing, did not outsmart me.
The hidden treasure, left for me -- found.
My heart all a flutter from the ripple of your words.
Each syllable embraced and savored like a beloved possession.
I labored over my words,
fully aware of the delicate,
fragile nature constituting this line of communication between us.
You have, yet again, returned to silence.
My last question, sits lonely,
in wait of your reply.
The pond has returned to glass.
The flutter like ripples of my heart -- no more.
Your silence -- it's paralysis.
Why tease me, silent man?
Why inquire as to the state of my being?
Why allow me to unfurl this sail of hope,
only to subdue the wind needed
to impel my heart on a pleasant journey?
Does our kiss linger on your lips,as it does on mine?
Your ways -- questionable and mysterious.
A lover of words and conversations -- not your forte.
These silent waters of question and mystery
will not be my drowing place.
I emerge from this brief encounter slightly bruised,
but intact and unbroken,
aware in spirit that a communion of words
(between you and I)
may never be.


Anonymous said...

This poem was written by me over a period of several months and came from a deep place within my heart. When I posted it I felt like a Mother sending her child out into the world. I'm glad it spoke to you and ask that you give me credit for writing it.

Thanks --

Anonymous said...

Hi, I had read this on where I blog. Maybe you SHOULD give the original AUTHOR CREDIT????

It is wrong for you to post this as your own. Did you realise that??

I hope you will update the POST to say it was written by COLORADODREAMING...... she is a member of